Browsing by Author Kishore, N

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Showing results 5 to 24 of 30 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Risk taking behaviour of perspective teacher educators in relation to their IntelligenceKishore, N
2019Self confidence among adolescentsKishore, N
2019Self confidence among Senior secondary school studentsKishore, N
2020Sense of responsibility among secondary school teachers in relation to attitude towards teaching, type of institution and teaching experienceKishore, N
2013Social intelligence and adjustment of college teachersKishore, N
2013Social Intelligence and adjustment of college teachersKishore, N
2012Study habits among senior secondary school studentsKishore, N
2016Study habits among senior secondary studentsKishore, N
2019Study habits and attitude in relation to parental involvement of national institute of open school studentsKishore, N
2013Study habits and attitude of general category and scheduled caste students in relation to their academic achievementKishore, N
2022Study habits in relation to achievement motivation of senior secondary studentsKishore, N
2022Study habits in relation to achievement motivation of senior secondary studentsKishore, N
2015Study of aggression among senior secondary school studentsKishore, N
2015Study of Aggression and Family Climate Among Senior Secondary StudentsKishore, N
2015Study of family climate of senior secondary studentsKishore, N
2015Study of Impact of mathematical reasoning among CBSE senior secondary class studentsKishore, N
2013A study of Mental Health in relation to family environment and gender of school going adolescentsKishore, N
2015Study of Problem Solving Ability Among Senior Secondary School StudentsKishore, N
2015Study of teacher commitment and effectiveness at secondary level in PunjabKishore, N
2015Study of Teacher commitment and teacher effectiveness at secondary level in PunjabKishore, N