Browsing by Author Sharma, Chanchal Kumar

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Showing results 11 to 30 of 31 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Economic governance: Does it make or break a dominant party equilibrium? The case of IndiaSharma, Chanchal Kumar
Jan-2008Emerging Dimensions of Decentralization Debate in the Age of GlobalizationSharma, Chanchal Kumar
2019An Evolving ConceptSharma, Chanchal Kumar
Jul-2005The Federal Approach to Fiscal Decentralization: Conceptual Contours for Policy MakersSharma, Chanchal Kumar
Apr-2015Fiscal FederalismSharma, Chanchal Kumar
30-Oct-2022GST Reforms and Federalism in India: Understanding the Role of Critical Junctures, Veto Players, Constitutional Structures and the Judicial Safeguards of Federalism.Sharma, Chanchal Kumar
Oct-2005Implementing VAT in India : Implications for federal politySharma, Chanchal Kumar
2019India after the 2014 general elections: BJP dominance and the crisis of the third party systemSharma, Chanchal Kumar
2019India after the 2014 general elections: BJP dominance and the crisis of the third party systemSharma, Chanchal Kumar; Swenden, Wilfried; Schakel, Arjan H.
2018Modi-fying Indian Federalism? Center–State Relations under Modi’s Tenure as Prime MinisterSharma, Chanchal Kumar
2021Paradigmenwechsel im SteuersystemSharma, Chanchal Kumar
2020Partisan federalism and subnational governments' international engagements:Insights from IndiaSharma, Chanchal Kumar
18-Jun-2020Partisan Federalism and Subnational Governments’ International Engagements: Insights from IndiaSharma, Chanchal Kumar
2019A Pillar of Democracy Under the ScannerSharma, Chanchal Kumar
Jan-2021The Political Economy of India’s Transition to Goods and Services TaxSharma, Chanchal Kumar
20-Jun-2015Reimagining Federalism in India: Exploring the Frontiers of Collaborative Federal ArchitectureSharma, Chanchal Kumar
Feb-2017A Situational Theory of Pork-Barrel Politics: The Shifting Logic of Discretionary Allocations in IndiaSharma, Chanchal Kumar
2017A situational theory of pork-barrel politics: The shifting logic of discretionary allocations in IndiaSharma, Chanchal Kumar
2010Towards a modern federal, construct in India: The Urgency of an Institutional response to the ideational turnSharma, Chanchal Kumar
21-Sep-2021Understanding multilevel dynamics in India: constituent power and multilevel governanceSharma, Chanchal Kumar