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dc.contributor.authorSaini, S-
dc.contributor.authorSaxena, S-
dc.description.abstractIn this current scenario with changing food habits, escalating population and unrestricted use of natural resources, there are lacking of resources to provide nutri tious food to all. Natural plant resources are fast depleting and need to explore new alternatives. Besides the staple rice and wheat; lots of underutilized crops are being con sumed that are having great potential to replace the staple crops. Millets are one of the major underutilized crops with a Nutri-cereal potential. Millets are highly nutritive, non acid-forming, gluten-free and having dietary properties. Despite the fact that millets are highly nutritious, their consumption is still limited to the conventional and poor population due to lack of awareness towards its nutritional values. There is lack of processing technologies, lack of food subsidies and inconvenience in food preparations which makes millets more obsolete. Millets are Nutri cereals and rich in carbohydrates, dietary fibres, energy, essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamin-B and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc, which helps to prevent from post-translational diseases like, dia betes, cancer, cardiovascular and celiac diseases, etc. Millets help in controlling blood pressure, blood sugar level and thyroid but inspite of these functional properties, millets consumption is still declining. Millets utilization in combination with other staple food crops to develop food alternatives has become an emerging area for food indus tries. Besides, to strengthen our fight against malnutrition in children and adolescents, consumption of millets can help to foster immunity and health. Here, author’s have reviewed the potential of millets for their Nutri-cereal qualities.en_US
dc.titlePotential of underutilized millets as Nutri-cereal: an overviewen_US
Appears in Collections:School of Interdisciplinary & Applied Sciences

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