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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2023Pre-Trained Deep Neural Network-Based Features Selection Supported Machine Learning for Rice Leaf Disease ClassificationAggarwal, M; Khullar, V; Goyal, N; Singh, A; Tolba, A; Thompson, EB; Kumar, S
Aug-2023Enhance traffic flow prediction with Real-Time Vehicle Data IntegrationJain, R; Dhingra, S; Joshi, K; Rana, A; Goyal, N
Sep-2023Federated Transfer Learning for Rice-Leaf Disease Classification across Multiclient Cross-Silo DatasetsAggarwal, M; Khullar, V; Goyal, N
Aug-2023Lightweight Federated Learning for Rice Leaf Disease Classification Using Non Independent and Identically Distributed ImagesAggarwal, M; Khullar, V; Goyal, N
Aug-2023Mathematical modeling and parameter analysis of quantum antenna for IoT sensor-based biomedical applicationsKrishna, R; Yaduvanshi, RS; Singh, H; Rana, AK; Goyal, N
Aug-2022An Anchor-Based Localization in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks for Industrial Oil Pipeline Monitoring Une localisation basée sur un ancrage dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil sous-marins pour la surveillance des oléoducs industrielsGoyal, N; Nain, M
Dec-2023Cross-Silo, Privacy-Preserving, and Lightweight Federated Multimodal System for the Identification of Major Depressive Disorder Using Audio and ElectroencephalogramGupta, C; Khullar, V; Goyal, N
Dec-2023An efficient framework for secure data transmission using blockchain in IoT environmentBhattacharjee, S; Gangwar, S; Kumar, M; Saini, K; Saini, R; Chauhan, S; Pandey, K; Goyal, N
Dec-2023Cross-Silo, Privacy-Preserving, and Lightweight Federated Multimodal System for the Identification of Major Depressive Disorder Using Audio and ElectroencephalogramGupta, C; Khullar, V; Goyal, N; Saini, K; Baniwal, R; Kumar, S; Rastogi, R